Where have I been?!

7:23 PM

Hey everyone! 

Well first off I wanted to apologize for being MIA (missing in action) for 3 months!

About three months ago I started a new school to continue my education and I was trying to juggle two jobs in between classes. Three weeks ago I decided to leave one of my jobs because it just became so unbearable! I was tired ALL THE TIME.  I was constantly working crazy hours, day and night. I seriously couldn't function let alone blog.  I just didn't have the energy to do anything.  Good news is the job I did keep has stability.  I finally have a set schedule! Many people may think a 9 to 5 job isn't the best but coming from someone who used to work overnights then head straight to my other job then go to my evening classes you could say I'm happy to have structure again. 

Anyway, now that I'm able to get my mind right and plan accordingly I will definitely start blogging again.  Yay!

I have a few events happening within the next few weeks so expect many many more posts!  

Talk to you soon! (TTYS)

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